Do you have any new wood pellets brand?Contact us and we will publish it!
Also if you like to buy or sell wood pellets please use the B2B FORUM! This Blog is only informative and does not sell wood pellets!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

MyPremium Pellets from Austria

my Premium Pellets, mit Sitz in der südlichen Steiermark, kombiniert den Lifestyle- mit dem Umweltgedanken. Ziel ist es mit my Premium Pellets ein hochwertiges Produkt zu vermarkten, das Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur oberflächlich kommuniziert, sondern spürbar ins Leben integriert. Ein Produkt, das für den Menschen und für die Natur eine Win-Win-Situation darstellt.  

I pellet my Premium Pellets sono ricavati esclusivamente da legno di abete e abete rosso. Solo queste essenze garantiscono infatti il massimo valore energetico e una combustione ad impatto zero per l’ambiente, perché la CO2 ritorna nel ciclo naturale reintegrandosi nel legno in crescita.
L’elevato indice di purezza di my Premium Pellets influisce inoltre positivamente sul tuo impianto di riscaldamento, poiché i naturali residui di fuliggine e cenere sono ampiamente inferiori all’1%. In questo modo i pelletmy Premium Pellets assicurano anche una maggiore durata della tua stufa. Come si è detto: meglio per il clima, meglio per la stufa, meglio per il benessere.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Alpes Energie Bois from France

The Company executives of Alps Wood Energy, are present in the timber trades for several decades now. At the head of logging and sawmill Bois du Dauphiné, today HARVESTING 150,000 cubic meters per year of softwood, and they decided to look to the future. Their new production, the company Alps Wood Energy is part of the continuity of their expertise to meet the clients needs, while maintaining an ever more responsible vis-à-vis behavior of our planet.

Haut Doubs Pelllet from France

The company was founded in 2007 in the bordes of France and Switzerland. It has a capacity of 50.000 per year.

Leprotti Pellet from Italy

The Company "I Leprotti" has created an CENTRE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY FROM BIOMASS AND WOOD in Abbiategrasso, in the province of Milan, on the border with the fraction of Cascinazza Robecco sul Naviglio, once called Cascina Canova di Sotto.

The project is unique in that technical solutions converge to more productive sectors to achieve maximum efficiency in energy efficiency. A project agro energy in a closed cycle with local raw materials at zero miles.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Apennino BioEnergie Pellet from Italy

Apennino BioEnergie Ltd., is a young and dynamic company that operates a plant in the processing of biomass, a facility of the highest quality pellet production from 1.2 tons / hour, with the aim of enhancing the biomass of plant origin, mainly wood, in order to promote and encourage the use of natural combustibles. Currently, the company acts as a reference for all supplies of pellets at wholesale level, throughout the national territory, both retail and private individuals, both in their own shop.Its head office is located in Via Montecchio 3 Carpineti (RE)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bionorr Pellets from Sweden

 Renowned high quality historical and placement in the category "best in test" last bionorrpellets tested in the Agency pellet test. Own raw materials and in-house production ensures the highest delivery reliability and security. SCA pellets contain no binders or additives and energy warranty gives as many kWh per ton at each delivery.SCA's forests and sawmills provide controlled delivery and secure commodity flow for pellet production.

Hanse Pellets Germany

Hanse-Pellet ist ein junges Unternehmen, das mit neuester Technologie Sägewerksnebenprodukte, wie Sägespäne oder Hackschnitzel, zu Holzpellets verarbeitet.
Hanse-Pellet ist eng mit dem norddeutschen Raum verbunden!
Unser Ziel ist es, aus hiesigen Rohstoffen Pellets als umweltschonenden und günstigen Brennstoff für die norddeutsche Region herzustellen.
Die Zusammenarbeit mit Hanse-Pellet zahlt sich aus! Unsere Kunden profitieren sowohl von der Liefersicherheit als auch von den kurzen Wegen. Kurzfristige Lieferungen werden schnell und unkompliziert abgewickelt.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Woodstock Pellets from France

Les pellets de bois  WOODSTOCK® sont fabriqués à
partir de sciures de bois résineux non traité, sans colle ni liant. Propres et sans poussière, ils peuvent s’utiliser dans
tous types d’appareils à granulés de bois : poêles, inserts et chaudières.
Les granulés Woodstock  sont fabriqués à partir de
bois 100% naturel et les certifications NF et « testé CERIC » assurent une qualité et des performances optimales.

The WOODSTOCK® wood pellets  are made from resinous wood sawdust, without additive. Clean and with no dust, they can be used with any wood pellets
appliances (pellets stoves, inserts and pellets boilers).

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Biopell Pellets from Germany

Für ein optimales Heizergebnis wird eine hervorragende Produktqualität benötigt. Die BioPELL Produkte werden nach höchsten Qualitätsstandards gefertigt und ständig überwacht. Qualitätszertifikate von DIN Certco und PEFC unterstreichen die hohe Qualität der BioPELL Produkte.
BioPELL unternimmt höchste Anstrengungen zur Qualitätsüberwachung durch Abbranddiagnosen und Qualitätskontrollen im hauseigenen Labor sowie ständige Analysen über ein externes Labor.
Nur eine hohe Produktqualität garantiert eine hohe Heizleistung und geringes Ascheverhalten. Billige Holzpellets und Holzbriketts aus dem Ausland besitzen oftmals eine unzureichende Qualität und schädigen somit die Heizanlage.

Bayerwald pellets from Germany

The Holz Schiller family enterprise has today approx. 640 employees. We intend to remain both a professional, humane and caring company which is close to the customer.
Therefore I want to take the opportunity to introduce our family members.
But we alone cannot be effective without our reliable staff members. We cannot introduce to you all our individual employees, but are sure that you will meet them when you visit us in Regen, Klatovy or Cheb.

Der Bayerische Wald ist eines der waldreichsten Gebiete Deutschlands, ja sogar Europas.
Hier ist die Familie Schiller seit Jahrhunderten als eines der δltesten Sδgewerke im Bayerischen Wald angesiedelt. Das Know-How und die Erfahrung mit Holz finden Sie in unseren Bayerwald-Pellets. Holz Schiller steht fόr:

Celsico Pellet in Germany

The celsico® brand
celsico® is one of the leading established international premium brands in the biofuel sector, which our customers – such as retailers and DIY store chains – place great confidence in. Under the name celsico®, we primarily offer premium wood pellets on the international market, but also other biofuels. Our products meet the highest quality requirements on the respective sales markets, such as the DINplus/ENplus certification for celsico®premium pellets (corresponds to the requirements of the EN 14961-2, class A1).

celsico® Holzpellets und Biobrennstoffe

celsico® ist eine der führenden Biobrennstoff-Marken und steht für hohe Qualität und zuverlässigen Service sowie für ein etabliertes, internationales Premiumsortiment, dem unsere Kunden großes Vertrauen schenken.
Mit celsico® zu heizen heißt, mit reiner Bioenergie umwelt- bzw. klimaschonend, vorausschauend und ökonomisch zu heizen. Erfahren Sie auf diesen Seiten mehr zu celsico® Produkten – zu ihren Anwendungsbereichen, ihren vielen Vorteilen und warum celsico® auch für Sie die richtige Wahl

1Heiz Pelletts from Germany

Über uns

Machen Sie sich ein Bild von uns ...

Sie haben es mit einem hochmotivierten, jungen oder jung gebliebenen Team zu tun. Gemeinsam wollen wir die Verwendung von Pellets voran bringen.

Uns ist besonders an einem partnerschaftlichen, wenn möglich sogar freundschaftlichen Verhältnis zu Ihnen gelegen. Wir laden Sie ein, sich auf den folgenden Seiten ein Bild von uns zu machen.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennen zu lernen.

Ihr 1Heiz-Team

Puffin Pellets from Scotland

Our superior grade pellet that has been specially designed perform cleanly and efficiently in even the most temperamental of boilers. 6mm wood fuel pellets that are fully FSC certified. Recommended for use in Windhager, Okofen, Janfire and Solarfocus boilers in particular.

Juwi Pellets from Germany

Juwi offers to certified wood fuel, wood pellets and briquettes as well as the design, installation and operation of pellet and pellet stoves.

With the rising prices of oil and natural gas and their impact on nature and the environment of the fuel wood is becoming increasingly attractive. Take advantage of this natural raw material, and get on the decentralized, environmentally-friendly heat supply your residential and commercial properties. With CO2-neutral juwi pellets for your region, cost effective and environmentally friendly heating.
Juwi offre di legno combustibile, pellets e bricchetti certificati, nonché la progettazione, l'installazione e il funzionamento di pellet e stufe a pellet.

Juwi bietet Ihnen zertifizierte Holzbrennstoffe, Holzpellets und –Briketts sowie die Planung, Installation und den Betrieb von Pelletheizungen und Pelletöfen an.

Timbory Pellets from Germany

Timbory is a brand of the Haas Holzprodukte GmbH, and part of the Haas Group. We produce and sell quality products for both the trade and manufacturing industries. Our product focus is on laminated beams, solid wood panels, timber frame systems, and fuel. Timbory is built upon well-established business and manufacturing traditions, and offers its customers high quality, excellent price / performance ratios, and integrated innovation throughout all its products.

Holz ist ein wunderbarer Baustoff. Holz ist natürlich, nachhaltig, langlebig, gesund und verbessert das Raumklima. In Kombination mit seinen ökonomischen Vorteilen ist Holz für viele Bauherren das Material der Zukunft. Wir von Timbory produzieren Qualitätsprodukte aus Holz für unsere Partner aus Handel und Handwerk. Unser umfangreiches Produktspektrum an verleimten Balken, Massivholzplatten, Holzbausystemen und Brennstoffen aus eigener Fertigung ist zertifiziert und wird in nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft hergestellt.

Savox from Bosnia

The company "SAVOX" is a private company founded in 1988. Located in Milici, eastern Serbian Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the 30-kilometer road from Zvornik to Sarajevo. The company is at Johovac bb Milići.It's activity is the primary and final processing of wood. We are also building trade materijals .Currently employs 80 workers.

La società "SAVOX" è una società privata fondata nel 1988. anno. Situato in Milici, nell'est della Repubblica Serba, Bosnia-Erzegovina, sulla strada 30 chilometri da Zvornik a Sarajevo. L'azienda è a Johovac bb attività Milići.Osnovna è la prima trasformazione e la finale del legno. Stiamo anche costruendo commercio materijala.Preduzeće attualmente impiega 80 lavoratori.

Die Firma "SAVOX" ist ein privates Unternehmen im Jahr 1988 gegründet. Jahr. Das Hotel liegt in Milici, Ost-serbischen Republik, Bosnien und Herzegowina, auf der 30 Kilometer langen Straße von Zvornik nach Sarajevo. Das Unternehmen ist an Johovac bb Milići.Osnovna Aktivität ist der erste und abschließende Bearbeitung von Holz. Wir bauen auch Handel materijala.Preduzeće beschäftigt derzeit 80 Mitarbeiter.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Binderholz pellets from Austria

Innerhalb der Produktionsstätten von binderholz wird das angelieferte Rundholz vollständig zu Schnittholz, Massivholzplatten, Brettschichtholz, Brettsperrholz BBS, MDF-Platten und Biobrennstoffen verarbeitet. Die Energieversorgung in den Betrieben erfolgt großteils mit eigenen Biomasse-Heizkraftwerken. Somit liefern binderholz Produkte in mehrfacher Hinsicht einen Beitrag für einen geringeren CO2 Ausstoß und damit zum Klimaschutz.

Within the production plants of binderholz, the log wood that has been delivered is completely processed into trimmed timber, solid wood slabs, glued-laminated timber, BBS cross-laminated timber, MDF slabs and biomass fuel. Our own biomass cogeneration plants provide the energy supply at the operations. Hence binderholz products make a contribution in a multitude of ways to the reduction of CO2 emissions and thus to climate protection.

Pelleo from France

Pelleo é un pellet prodotto in un sito eco industriale di ultima generazione. E' il risultato della valorizzazione dei residui di segheria. La tenuta del pellet si fa in modo naturale grazie all'essicazione ed un processo di compressione esclusivo sviluppato dalla PELLEO.
Pelleo é un pellet certificato Din plus, raccomandato dai piu' grandi marchi di caldaie e stufe a pellet.

Il nostro pellet, di produzione francese, é di alta qualità e 100% naturale
La lignina e la resina, naturalmente presenti nel legno, ne assicurano la coesione.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bioenergy Point from Serbia

Bioenergy Point, business company founded in 2007, is registered for business operations in the area of renewable energy sources. As a leader on the Serbian market, in October 2008, our company started the production of wood pellets in its newly built production plant in Boljevac, Eastern Serbia. The production plant’s capacity is 35. 000 tons per year. The production plant boasts brand new equipment, obtained in the Netherlands (CPM – presses), Germany (Bruks-Kloeckner – chipper), Croatia (Seting – drying plants) and Slovenia (Robotika – packing machines).

Fondata nel 2007, Bioenergy Point è una società a responsabilità limitata operante nel settore delle energie rinnovabili. Leader nel mercato serbo, nell’ottobre 2008 la società ha avviato la produzione di pellet di legno nella nuova fabbrica situata a Boljevac, nella Serbia orientale. La capacità di produzione della fabbrica è di 35.000 tonnellate l’anno. Gli impianti sono muniti di macchinari nuovi, importati dall’Olanda (CPM – presse), dalla Germania (Bruks-Kloeckner – cippatrice), dalla Croazia (Seting – essiccatrici) e dalla Slovenia (Robotika – macchinari per imballaggio).

Biomaxx Pellet from Serbia

The company “Miraja” Ltd. Kraljevo produces wooden pellets - high energy environmental fuel from biomass, in the most advanced facility of the kind in Serbia. 
The production of best quality wooden pallets by european standards we recognized as a promising activity in the energy sector, which has a very significant global character of energy production from biomass and renewable energy, which is becoming a worldwide trend that has no alternative. 
The production process begins with the reception and preparation of raw material – wooden logs, fuelwood, wood chips etc. Followed by crushing, drying, grinding, homogenization, pressing, cooling and packaging. 
The final product is wooden pellet - cylinder shaped 6mm diameter and length of approximately 30mm, whose only ingredient is pure wood, dried and pressed to form mentioned.

Profiles Pellets d.o.o from Slovenia

Profiles, d.o.o. is a family company that has been working since the year 1968. The company has narrowly specialized in the nineties of the previous century into industrial production of wooden dowels and wooden lamellas (wood joiner biscuits), and later we have also developed industrial production of wooden pellets.

The company today employs 67 people, who yearly produce:
  • over 1500 tons (approx. 7 million pieces daily) of wood dowels, which places us in the very European top,
  • approx. 80 million pieces of connective lamellas (wood joiner biscuits) and
  • over 10 thousand tons of wood pellets.
The company is technologically well developed, by which we attain high quality standards. Profiles has over 1400 m3 in drying capacities, since we yearly need 12.000 m3 off beech wood for the production of dowels and lamellas.

Energy pellets from Croatia

Energy Pellets doo, was established in the year 2007.
Company's main activity is the production of wood pellets as a renewable energy source.
In our production program we have: wooden pellets, briquettes,  pallets and sawn timber.

Installed production capacity:up to 30,000 tons of pellets annually

Pellets - compressed wooden parts, produced in pellet mill specially designed for production of pellets , natural renewable energy source  used for households, power plants and  commercial plants.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Italiana Pellets

Italiana Pellets, an Italian firm active in wood biomasses and the production of energy from renewable
sources, has opened a plant at Corana, in Pavia province.
A 95% subsidiary of the Ambienta I fund, the largest European private equity fund specialized in
environmental investments, the company is directed by Massimo Rosi (CEO) and Ercole Cacciami
(Chairman) and intends to become a major operator in the European pellet markets and leader in Italy.
The plant, located in Pavia province at the intersection of the A7 and A21 motorways, occupies an area of
over 40,000 m2
and is one of the largest in Europe. When in full operation, it will be able to produce over
100,000 tons of pellets per year, equal to 8% of the national requirement.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Westerwälder Holzpellets from Germany

The production of wood pellets is an exciting business. When you make your entry into a branch that is still young, you often do not know for sure where the market is going. There is as yet no accumulated experience you can revert to and of course there is also the risk. Fortunately, courage and initiative usually pay off, as in our case. When we decided in May 2001 to found Westerwälder Holzpellets GmbH there were a number of reasons why we did so. First, we want to become independent of foreign gas and oil reserves as we believe in wood as an energy source: It is a regional raw material that does not need to be hauled long distances and does not harbour an environmental disaster within itself.

Pabst Pellets from Styria, Austria

It is in the interest of all consumers to be independent of global developments are far as this is possible. Pabst pellets are CO² neutral and easy and clean to handle and so ensure optimised heating properties, ideal exhaust gas values and a reduced wear of ovens.

As raw materials for production, wood shavings and sawdust from solid timber production at the different sites are used. The wood shavings are put into intermediate storage after delivery and are then kiln-dried in a drier with a capacity of 6,500 kg per hour. The finished pellets are stored in large silos and then directly delivered to the ultimate buyers in trucks or filled in handy 15-kilo bags.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

AEK Pellets from Switzerland.

AEK Pellet AG is the largest pellet producer in Switzerland. At the plant in Balsthal (Canton Solothurn) it produces up to 60,000 tonnes of pellets - enough to supply more than 12,000 single-family homes with heat. 

AEK Pellet AG ist die bedeutendste Pellet-Produzentin in der Schweiz. Im Werk in Balsthal (Kanton Solothurn) produziert sie jährlich bis zu 60‘000 Tonnen Pellets – genug, um mehr als 12‘000 Einfamilienhäuser mit Wärme zu versorgen.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Forest Enterprises. Wood Pellet from Serbia

The company Forest Enterprises d.o.o. was founded in 2008. It invested in a green-field project – building a wood pellet factory.
 A wood pellet plant processing facility in Southern Serbia was built in 2009. The plant uses waste wood fiber to create high density wood pellets that provide a highly efficient alternative fuel for home, institutional and industrial heating applications. The plant will provide an economically valuable and environmentally sound use for available sawmill residues that are often otherwise wasted. Pellets are ecological fuel made of waste from wood-processing industry, such as sawdust etc. The waste is mainly collected from Nisavsko-Jablanicki district. The capacity of the factory is 4 t of pellets per hour, i.e. from 30 to 35.000 t per year. 

Sava Pellet. Wood Pellet from Bosnia Herzegovina

Ensa BH Ltd. is a company established in July 2007, in Prijebljezi, in the municipality of Srbac. 
Ensa BH Ltd. is part of the energy sector group Sava Kranj, a holding company for investment and management. 
(„En” - energy - „sa” - Sava)


Ensa BH Ltd ist  im Juli 2007 gegründet, in Prijebljezi, in der Gemeinde Srbac.
Ensa BH Ltd ist Teil des Energiesektors Gruppe Sava Kranj, eine Holdinggesellschaft für Investitionen und Management.
("En" - Energie - "sa" - Sava)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

GWP Pellets from Ireland.

Greenwood Pellets started in 2009. After a extensive 2 year research and construction the facility was commissioned in July 2009 ,with a capacity of 25000 tonnes of wood pellets and 10000 tonnes of dried woodchip. A subsidiary of Laois Sawmlls, this company was born out of the realisation of the potential of the ever-increasing bio-fuel market.State of the art machinery has been installed to produce the highest quality 6mm Wood Pellet and uniformly dry Wood Chip. A purpose built facility has been constructed to ensure proper storage and manufacture is carried out.

Graanul Invest. A power from Estonia


AS Graanul Invest is a private capital based company dealing with bioenergetics and renewable energy production. The company was founded in 2003. The business evolved quickly and today AS Graanul Invest is the biggest producer of pellets in the Baltics and with its high production volumes counts among the top five European producers.

Biodela Wood Pellets from Lithuania.

Wood pellets LT

Biodela wood pellets are produced from debarked timber sawdust only. Raw material is harvested in Lithuanian forests. Main wood species: spruce, fir and aspen.

Granulés bois LT

Biodela granulés de bois sont fabriqués à partir de sciure de bois écorcé   seulement. La matière première est récoltée dans les forêts lituaniennes. Principales essences: épicéas, de sapins et de trembles.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Biotherm Pellets from Serbia

Wood-Pellet production in Serbia

Rising environmental sensitivity, rising prices for traditional energies with political dependance created a permanently rising demand for alternative and political-independent, renewable andenvironmental friendly CO2 - neutral energies. Within those, Wood-Pellets as a solid fuel (after Ethanol and Oilseed-Rape within the fluid ones) has the highest energetic value because of its high density and low water-content.
The main reason why we had chosen to set-up a wood-pellet production plant in south-east Serbia was the fact that the Golia-Region is rich with Forests and has a long tradition in wood processing. In the region in a radius of 150km we can find more than 450 little to mid-sized saw-mills we are using as suppliers.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Enerles Pellets. A Slovenian Quality production.

Enerles d.o.o. is a company established by the Gozdno gospodarstvo Postojna together with an Italian partner with the goal of processing and utilizing the energy of wood biomass.
Since 1 January, 2007, Enerles has been merged with the parent company GGP, d.o.o. as a business unit.
In one year, the company built a factory in Pivka for producing wood pellets that started its test operation in mid 2005. Today, the factory operates at full capacity and produces 60,000 tons of pellets annually.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Pfeifer. Pure wood pellets from Austria

Wood pellets. The fuel of future - pure wood, perfectly refined.The Pfeifer concept is exemplary for its ecological and economic use of wood. The logs travel short distances to our plants. We burn the bark in our power stations to generate heat and power. The logs are processed into sawn timber, and the wood chips leftovers are being used to produce wood pellets. Pellets burn clean (CO2 neutral), and we can thereby actively contribute to the protection of the environment.

Verdo Pellets. A major producer in the UK.

Verdo Renewables has two production plants in the UK, in Andover in Hampshire and Grangemouth in Scotland. Each plant has an annual production capacity of 55,000 tonnes of wood pellets and 15,000 tonnes of briquettes.
All Verdo Renewables products are manufactured from locally sourced virgin timber within the UK, and no additives of any kind are included within the wood pellet manufacturing process.
Verdo Renewables wood pellets are classed as Grade 1 premium pellets which conform with the latest European Standard ENplus. Verdo Renewables has been awarded the ENplus Certificate UK001.
Verdo briquettes offer easy and convenient combustion and are suitable for burning in multi-fuel stoves, log burners and open fireplaces.Verdo Renewables also offer quality wood pellets for horse bedding.

Firestixx. A power in central Europe.

After a successful start in 2001 FireStixx is now the leading pellets brand in Central Europe. The success of FireStixx based on the expertise in wood and wood pellets of the founding company Blieninger and a denser network of powerful  pellet producers and traders in the franchise principle. Thus, the founding company Blieninger looks back on more than 50 years of experience in the recycling and processing of by-products.
Today, under the umbrella brand FireStixx a powerful network of independent mid-sized pellet producers and traders is combined with the highest quality standards. This network will continue to expand and strengthen.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Moulin Bois Energie. Quality pellets from French Forests.

MOULIN BOIS ENERGIE, a subsidiary of MOULINVEST is located in the heart of the forest Auvergne. Its activity is linked to the valuation of related wood (sawdust, chips, bark ...). This material is present on site, through the  SAWMILL located 500 m from the site, allowing us to a  production of wood pellets with a rate near zero carbon emission.

MOULIN BOIS ENERGIE has two activities: first, the production of electricity through a thermoelectric power and the second, the production of wood pellets (or pellets) heating of 6 mm, 100% and 100% natural resinous certified by the strict French and European and NF EN +.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Granuleco. Pellets from France.

Wood pellets Granuleco is made ​​from sawdust and chips from wood 100% softwood. Its quality conforms to DIN + and NC brands. A national brand with sales force and powerful communication on a large network of distributors. Packaged in paper bags of 15 kg.

Le granulé de bois Granuleco est fabriqué à partir de sciures et de copeaux issus de bois 100 % résineux. Sa qualité est conforme aux marques DIN+ et NF. Une marque nationale avec force de vente et communication percutante sur un réseau de distributeurs considérable. Conditionné en sacs papier de 15 kg.

Baltwood. Din plus Pellet from Lithuania

UAB Baltwood is a part of Grigiškės group of companies.
UAB Baltwood started in year 2003 as a manufacturer of wooden pallets. Good cooperation with customers, our experience in the wood sector and continuous investments in additional equipment secured the further development and growth of our company. Today the main company products include solid wood panels, sawn timber, wooden pallets, biofuel pellets and garden sheds.
The company processes per year up to 100,000 m³ of softwood. The products are sold in domestic and foreign markets
UAB Baltwood ist ein Teil des Grigiškės Unternehmensgruppe.

Enerpellet. A quality Pellet from Spain

Wood pellets Enerpellet Pedrosa are safe, clean and qualified for energy neutral emission.

This definition determines the value of the emissions resulting from combustion, which in this case are neutral, meaning that CO2 = CO2 emitted during their growth absorbing plants, whereby the wood pellet is included within the list of fuels and renewable energy.

Enerpellets. A big producer from Portugal

Established in 2007 and with a yearly production capacity of 170.000 Ton of wood pellets. 90 % of our production is exported to Benelux and Scandinavia.
ENERPELLETS produces wood pellets from local tree species like pine (Pinus Pinaster). We are able to process logs, wood chips and saw dust or even a combination of these. 

Ebepellet. High Quality Pellet from Spain

Since its creation in 2006, Ebepellet has consolidated its position as not only a leading producer of wood pellets, but the only producer of Dinplus quality wood pellets in Spain.
In order to provide the highest level of service possible to its customers, Ebepellet is currently in the process of expanding its distribution network throughout Spain.  The Ebepellet brand exists internationally where its Dinplus quality wood pellets are sold to homes and businesses in Germany, France, Switzerland and Italy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Quercus beech pellet from Slovakia

QUERCUS Ltd is a private company founded in 1994 which represents long-standing tradition. It was successfully developing during recent years and since 2005 it maintains title of largest  manufacturer and exporter of oak products in Slovakia.
After 17 years of operating on the market, QUERCUS gained a lot of business partners. That allowed it to export its products to many European countries such as Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Finland, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and others.
QUERCUS offers its customers a wide range of products such as hardwood parquets,  joinery lumber, railway sleepers, parquet cuts, chips or pellets.

Barlinek Ecopellet. Pure material from Poland

The Barlinek Group is a respected manufacturer of wooden floorings – the biggest in Poland and one of the world leaders.

Barlinek is one of the most modern and at the same time environment-friendly manufacturing plants in Poland. It owes its position to investment in new technologies, machines, production halls, warehouses and ecological solutions. It has extensive production capabilities and is currently able to produce 11,5 million metres of layered flooring a year.

In response to the growing demand from foreign markets, Barlinek is increasing its production capacity. In Autumn 2007, Barlinek opened its first plant abroad, in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. At the beginning of 2008, it took over the largest Romanian wood processing factory. In the near future, further investments in Ukraine are to be made and opening of the first plant in Russia is being planned.

Schweighofer Holz Pellet.


For more than three centuries, the Schweighofer family has been closely associated with wood processing. Acting on the strength of our history, we continue to develop innovative solutions and explore new markets.
Wood products by Schweighofer are in high demand in over 60 countries of the world. Exports account for more than 80% of our production. Employing a staff of about 2,500 people at four production sites in Romania.e company is the market leader in wood process

German Pellets. Technology Edge Pellet from Germany

Wood pellets from German Pellets

German Pellets GmbH is Europe’s largest manufacturer of wood pellets. The company was founded in 2005 in the Mecklenburg city of Wismar on the Baltic coast. Today, German Pellets operates 14 plants across Europe. With their combined production capacity, we are capable of supplying several hundred thousand households with environmentally friendly wood pellets.
In recent years, this CO2-neutral and renewable fuel has succeeded in establishing itself on the market...and its future is bright; experts are predicting that the wood pellet market will continue to grow in the long term.

RZ pellets. Fine Wood pellet from Austria

The factory in Ybbs was established in 2004 based on the great amounts of quality first material and with the objective to offer the finest energy products.
The annual capacity is of 80.000 to 90.000 tons making it one of the biggest producers of wood pellets in Austria. 
The wood pellets are made only from natural first material. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ameco Premium Pellet.

Ameco Renewable Energy SRL is a Romanian company which took over the Polish company Athos Pellet in 2006, the same year it was founded. Since its incorporation in May 2007, investments amounting to approximately 2 million Euros have been carried out; in April 2010 the new company was launched, with investments surpassing 12 million Euros, intended particularly for the improvement and development of production processes. Quality goals have been set as per Western standards. The company is managed by a team made up of of Swiss, German, Romanian and Italian nationals.

Ahira. Clean Bulgarian Energy

Founded in Plovdiv, in Dec. 2006 by several investors engages to the wood industry, Ahira Jsc. is will become the largest manufacturer and distributor of clean wood pellet fuel in Bulgaria. 
The company is governed by a Board of Managers with a large experience in the industrial organization of wood treatment and renewable energy selling.
The facility design is the result of 8 years of experience in the wood pellet manufacturing business, and will represent the state-of-the-art in efficient pellet manufacturing. The plant site occupy 11.500 square meters of developed ground, with all manufacturing and warehousing contained within a 2.000 square meters building.