The production of wood pellets is an exciting business. When you make your entry into a branch that is still young, you often do not know for sure where the market is going. There is as yet no accumulated experience you can revert to and of course there is also the risk. Fortunately, courage and initiative usually pay off, as in our case. When we decided in May 2001 to found Westerwälder Holzpellets GmbH there were a number of reasons why we did so. First, we want to become independent of foreign gas and oil reserves as we believe in wood as an energy source: It is a regional raw material that does not need to be hauled long distances and does not harbour an environmental disaster within itself.
Do you have any new wood pellets brand?Contact us and we will publish it!
Also if you like to buy or sell wood pellets please use the B2B FORUM! This Blog is only informative and does not sell wood pellets!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Pabst Pellets from Styria, Austria
It is in the interest of all consumers to be independent of global developments are far as this is possible. Pabst pellets are CO² neutral and easy and clean to handle and so ensure optimised heating properties, ideal exhaust gas values and a reduced wear of ovens.
As raw materials for production, wood shavings and sawdust from solid timber production at the different sites are used. The wood shavings are put into intermediate storage after delivery and are then kiln-dried in a drier with a capacity of 6,500 kg per hour. The finished pellets are stored in large silos and then directly delivered to the ultimate buyers in trucks or filled in handy 15-kilo bags.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
AEK Pellets from Switzerland.
AEK Pellet AG is the largest pellet producer in Switzerland. At the plant in Balsthal (Canton Solothurn) it produces up to 60,000 tonnes of pellets - enough to supply more than 12,000 single-family homes with heat.
AEK Pellet AG ist die bedeutendste Pellet-Produzentin in der Schweiz. Im Werk in Balsthal (Kanton Solothurn) produziert sie jährlich bis zu 60‘000 Tonnen Pellets – genug, um mehr als 12‘000 Einfamilienhäuser mit Wärme zu versorgen.
AEK Pellet AG ist die bedeutendste Pellet-Produzentin in der Schweiz. Im Werk in Balsthal (Kanton Solothurn) produziert sie jährlich bis zu 60‘000 Tonnen Pellets – genug, um mehr als 12‘000 Einfamilienhäuser mit Wärme zu versorgen.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Forest Enterprises. Wood Pellet from Serbia
The company Forest Enterprises d.o.o. was founded in 2008. It invested in a green-field project – building a wood pellet factory.
A wood pellet plant processing facility in Southern Serbia was built in 2009. The plant uses waste wood fiber to create high density wood pellets that provide a highly efficient alternative fuel for home, institutional and industrial heating applications. The plant will provide an economically valuable and environmentally sound use for available sawmill residues that are often otherwise wasted. Pellets are ecological fuel made of waste from wood-processing industry, such as sawdust etc. The waste is mainly collected from Nisavsko-Jablanicki district. The capacity of the factory is 4 t of pellets per hour, i.e. from 30 to 35.000 t per year.
A wood pellet plant processing facility in Southern Serbia was built in 2009. The plant uses waste wood fiber to create high density wood pellets that provide a highly efficient alternative fuel for home, institutional and industrial heating applications. The plant will provide an economically valuable and environmentally sound use for available sawmill residues that are often otherwise wasted. Pellets are ecological fuel made of waste from wood-processing industry, such as sawdust etc. The waste is mainly collected from Nisavsko-Jablanicki district. The capacity of the factory is 4 t of pellets per hour, i.e. from 30 to 35.000 t per year.
Sava Pellet. Wood Pellet from Bosnia Herzegovina
Ensa BH Ltd. is a company established in July 2007, in Prijebljezi, in the municipality of Srbac.
Ensa BH Ltd. is part of the energy sector group Sava Kranj, a holding company for investment and management.
(„En” - energy - „sa” - Sava)
Ensa BH Ltd. is part of the energy sector group Sava Kranj, a holding company for investment and management.
(„En” - energy - „sa” - Sava)
Ensa BH Ltd ist im Juli 2007 gegründet, in Prijebljezi, in der Gemeinde Srbac.
Ensa BH Ltd ist Teil des Energiesektors Gruppe Sava Kranj, eine Holdinggesellschaft für Investitionen und Management.
("En" - Energie - "sa" - Sava)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
GWP Pellets from Ireland.
Greenwood Pellets started in 2009. After a extensive 2 year research and construction the facility was commissioned in July 2009 ,with a capacity of 25000 tonnes of wood pellets and 10000 tonnes of dried woodchip. A subsidiary of Laois Sawmlls, this company was born out of the realisation of the potential of the ever-increasing bio-fuel market.State of the art machinery has been installed to produce the highest quality 6mm Wood Pellet and uniformly dry Wood Chip. A purpose built facility has been constructed to ensure proper storage and manufacture is carried out.
Graanul Invest. A power from Estonia
AS Graanul Invest is a private capital based company dealing with bioenergetics and renewable energy production. The company was founded in 2003. The business evolved quickly and today AS Graanul Invest is the biggest producer of pellets in the Baltics and with its high production volumes counts among the top five European producers.
Biodela Wood Pellets from Lithuania.
Wood pellets LT
Biodela wood pellets are produced from debarked timber sawdust only. Raw material is harvested in Lithuanian forests. Main wood species: spruce, fir and aspen.
Granulés bois LT
Biodela granulés de bois sont fabriqués à partir de sciure de bois écorcé seulement. La matière première est récoltée dans les forêts lituaniennes. Principales essences: épicéas, de sapins et de trembles.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Biotherm Pellets from Serbia
production in Serbia
environmental sensitivity, rising prices for traditional energies with
political dependance created a permanently rising demand for alternative and
political-independent, renewable andenvironmental friendly CO2 - neutral
energies. Within those, Wood-Pellets as a solid fuel (after Ethanol and
Oilseed-Rape within the fluid ones) has the highest energetic value because of
its high density and low water-content.
main reason why we had chosen to set-up a wood-pellet production plant in
south-east Serbia was the fact that the Golia-Region is rich with Forests and
has a long tradition in wood processing. In the region in a radius of 150km we
can find more than 450 little to mid-sized saw-mills we are using as suppliers.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Enerles Pellets. A Slovenian Quality production.
Enerles d.o.o. is a company established by the Gozdno gospodarstvo Postojna together with an Italian partner with the goal of processing and utilizing the energy of wood biomass.
Since 1 January, 2007, Enerles has been merged with the parent company GGP, d.o.o. as a business unit.
In one year, the company built a factory in Pivka for producing wood pellets that started its test operation in mid 2005. Today, the factory operates at full capacity and produces 60,000 tons of pellets annually.
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